Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey for Me, Turkey for You...

Can't wait for Thanksgiving this week! Not only is it a short week, but I get to break out the fine china and have the hubby's family over on Thursday for Thanksgiving. And I can't wait for a 5 day weekend, woohoo!

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Salut 16!

Today marks an amazing milestone for me and Larry. Today is the 16th anniversary of SALUT! What is Salut you ask? Salut is a way of saying hello and goodbye in French, which we learned way back in 1992 in Mme. Guida's French class. For some reason, this greeting has stuck with us for years and we STILL say Salut almost every time we speak. Back in 2002, we went to France to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Salut, which was SO fun. Of course, it was also pre-digital camera age (at least for us anyway), so please stay tuned for some scanned highlights of our French getaway.

I threw the gauntlet down today and said we have to go back for Salut 20 in 2012. Anyone else want to experience SALUT with us??????

Happy 30th Birthday Jacks!

Happy Birthday to Jack D who enters her 30s today! Can't wait to celebrate with drinks later tonight!

Oh look, there I am in the background! Jack D and awesome "Broad" Caryn!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Rommie!!

Happy 28th Birthday to the Essamas good friend Rommie! Can't wait to celebrate with a Skins victory on Sunday night!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wedding Video!

I am rather proud of my technological prowess in figuring out how to upload the highlight montage of our wedding to YouTube. So sit back and enjoy!

Friday, November 7, 2008


All I can say about the election on Tuesday is Wow. Regardless of your political affiliation it was history making and incredible to see the enormous crowds in Chicago and all the spontaneous celebrations around the country and the world. It was really interesting to see and cool that we are a part of history. I didn't even grow up in the 60s, but I never thought I'd see a black president. And to see all the African Americans (and other Americans and people around the world) who were so emotional and touched by Obama's election was really cool to witness. I teared up a little too. It really was incredible.

I don't know about you guys but I plan on going to the inauguration, sorry work! :-) This is one of those times when living in DC (and by living in DC I mean I really live far away in the suburbs but it's close enough that I can pretend like I'm still cool and have a life) has it's bonuses!!

Ha, look at what I just found on Google Images:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bella's First Halloween

Since we don't have kids [yet], you all will have to settle for ridiculous pictures of our poor dog in costume on her First Halloween. I personally think she really enjoyed her costume, once she stopped struggling while I put it on her. The hat was a must. Belinga was not very pleased at what I was subjecting her to, but what does he know??

If you would rather see cute real babies, please see here and here. Oh and here's a bonus of our friend Renea and Trey's baby, Graham. Dying of cuteness!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Long Overdue Big Congrats!!

Congratulations to Jacqueline and Todd who completed the Marine Corps Marathon last weekend on a beautiful fall day. Big props for all their months of training--you guys are awesome!!!