Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's Official!

I am now officially Sara Javad Essama, much to Belinga's delight. I went to the Social Security office this morning and 10 minutes later I had a new name!

Now on to the DMV tomorrow along with the 5,847,736 other places I'm going to have to notify.

You know what I find weird? So I obviously don't have my new Social Security card, that will come in the next 2 weeks. But they give you a letter/receipt that says what your new name is and that you've applied for the new card and it's coming soon. You use this to notify the DMV and I guess everyone else--I mean, Social Security is majorly official.

Well, apparently the letter is not good enough for work (despite it being enough to change my Social Security benefits, my voter registration, all my bank accounts, etc.). Work refuses to change how my name is displayed on such important things as the telephone screen and our internal associate look-up search until they have OFFICIAL proof from Social Security, i.e. the new card.

I think Jack D's sister would say DEAR CRAZY to this! (Did I get that right Jack?)


Talking With Hands said...

Dear Crazy is right! My sister totally agrees.

Christine K. said...

Yay Mrs. Essama!

LKBeglis said...

Good thing you didn't have to get a court order!!!!! :-)

Smother said...

It is not ""work" that doesn't allow this...It is probably some weirdo control-freak (very Dwight-like) from your human resource dept. that created their own rule and makes people believe it's a real rule. Those crazies are everywhere aren't they!