Friday, April 20, 2007

Today we are all Hokies

In light of this week's tragic events at Virginia Tech, Friday, April 20th is Orange & Maroon Effect day. Please show your support to the victims, families and the whole Virginia Tech community by wearing Hokie colors today.

I also just want to say that one of my bridesmaids, Christine Borden, attended Virginia Tech and my thoughts and prayers are with her and the many other Hokies I know during this difficult time.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

1 Year to the Day!

This bride to be is heading on some much needed vacation--the last 4 weeks have been a whirlwind of talking to people, celebrating, booking vendors and trying to enjoy our engagement.

I'm heading to sunny Florida for my 10 year high school reunion which should be fun and very interesting!

I will be back April 27th!

I can't believe I'll be married in exactly one year--WOW!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Knot

The stupid Knot is not working for some reason! I know a lot of you have asked about our wedding web page and while it's still a work in progress, there is some preliminary information on the site. There are still lots of things to be updated like the rest of Belinga's groomsmen, etc.

You can't search for us by name because it's not appearing, but use this link to access the page. I have an e-mail into The Knot, so hopefully the search function will be up and running in a bit.


Monday, April 16, 2007

368 Days and counting!

The countdown is on!!! There are officially 368 days to go until Belinga and I get married on April 19, 2008!

We finalized the contract today with the River Creek Club in Leesburg. We're so excited!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Do You Accept This Rose?

So I realize this isn't exactly wedding related, but sitting here watching The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman inspired me to write!

Now, I'm honestly not even sure where to begin with my comments because there is just so much to say, but here are some observations:
  1. This show has been on for what, 10 seasons and still the girls cry and moan about how hard it is to date someone who is dating 14 other women at the same time. Um, duh, that's the premise of the show. Not sure why you came on if you can't deal with that.

  2. Why do they always have to out the poor virgins? Like that's anybody's business, especially a bunch of hos.

  3. Why do none of the girls have an ounce of body fat? It's like watching the Miss USA Swimsuit competition for 10 straight weeks, but you're missing the talent part.

  4. Why does the bachelor usually latch on to the least attractive/ditziest/hooker type and keep her around for weeks when the audience can see right through her?!

  5. Am I the only one who gets creeped out when you see the girls and the bachelor getting "intimate"? I don't mean behind closed doors, but I mean, like in a hot tub with a girl(s) and they're making out and saying icky things to each other and I just feel like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar, yet I can't stop gawking.

  6. You see it every season, but there are always those girls who are convinced the bachelor is their one and only and they're convinced by halfway before the first rose ceremony that they're MTB and refuse to accept anything other than marriage. And then they cry profusely when they don't get a rose and wonder how it could be that this guy they had this like, amazing connection with for about 30 minutes could let them go.

  7. I'm tired of the girls coming up with some catchy phrase to say when the bachelor asks if she will accept his rose. And why do they always have to have some creepy kiss and hug after he gives it to her? They always hold on just a bit too long to make it awkward for everyone involved.

  8. Why the hell does Chris Harrison come out EVERY SINGLE time right before the final rose to announce that the final rose is about to be given out?! I mean, I realize most of these girls are vapid and have not much going on in between the ears, but come on. I'm sure they can tell there's only one rose left. IT MAKES NO SENSE!

PLEASE enlighten me with your observations as well--I know there are some good ones out there!

Monday, April 9, 2007

My Maids

Thank you to all my bridesmaids who have all now officially accepted!

Early last week, I sent little notecards in the shape of a dress, hanging on a wire hanger, to all my bridesmaids, asking them to stand by me when I get married next year. I can't find a replica online, but I think they were really cute!

I have 8 bridesmaids and I think it's pretty neat that all of them represent a different time in my life. I'm very glad they all said yes--I can't wait!

So here they are (in no particular order!):
  1. Laura Javad--Maid of Honor and my sister
  2. Christine Borden--friend from childhood
  3. Laura Kendrall Beglis--friend from childhood
  4. Blair Lesser--friend from high school
  5. Maggie Sklar--old roommate and friend from college
  6. Rachel Somberg--old roommate and friend from college
  7. Monika Last--old roommate
  8. Lola Fashoyin--Belinga's sister/future sister in law
Now hopefully I won't turn into a bridezilla and make them wear dyeable shoes and all have the same hair, jewelry, nail polish and shoes...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

In case anyone wanted to see my bridesmaids dresses and my gown

People are Crazy

So I was perusing The Knot, stalking my friend Kristen who is getting married in December, wondering when she will EVER post her wedding web page, when I realized there are message boards for brides-to-be and I figured "Why not? Let me go take a look."

I clicked on the April 2008 brides because I'm pretty sure this is when we'll get married and found a host of girls talking about budgets, color schemes, etc. I then stumbled upon a post of how far people have gotten in their wedding planning and I thought I'd compare myself thinking "Ha, I think I have my reception and ceremony site, I'm on top of the ball here!"

Alas, boy was I wrong! These girls are certifiably NUTS! They literally have planned almost everything--with over 1 year to go! They have bridesmaids dresses picked out, flowers, DJs, photographers, favors, EVERYTHING!!!! They've even already sent out save the dates (or STDs as many of us brides-to-be like to them!)

I thought for a second I was crazy for not having done this and then I quickly realized--nope, it's them, they're just INSANE!

So--here's my question--how many of you are those girls who keep binders of what they want and you've known since you were 3 how everything in your wedding would look like? It's ok if you are--I just want to know how many people are like me and are just doing this as we go along and how many have had this whole thing orchestrated for years.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Look at this Photograph

(*Christine, that was for you!)

I've been looking into photographers lately and let me tell you, they are expensive! Who knew it costs so much to take some pictures? Now granted, these photographers are basically artists, some of these pictures I've seen you couldn't have set up more perfectly, but they were captured as they were happening.

I've gotten several referrals from friends who were recently married. Tomorrow I'm meeting with Michael Bonfigli who did Laura and Kera's weddings. He is amazing and has been named one of the area's best photographers by Washingtonian Magazine for the last 6 years.

I'm also meeting with Bella Pictures on Thursday. They have some nice stuff on their website and are definitely cheaper than what seems like the going rate around here of at least $3,500. The downside is that it's a company with many photographers and you don't meet the person you're assigned to until 60 days before the wedding. I'm not sure my control freak ways will be able to deal with that.

Monday, April 2, 2007

River Creek

Belinga and I went to check out the River Creek Club last Thursday after work and thought it was by far the prettiest place we've seen so far.

It's nestled right on the banks of the Potomac River in Leesburg, Virginia, right down the street from Lansdowne. River Creek is a private gated golf course community with pretty much the most ridiculously sized houses you've ever seen in your life. They're enormous!

Anyway, the clubhouse was really nice. There is a large terrace spanning the back of the clubhouse which overlooks the 9th and 18th holes of the golf course and the Potomac, which would be a great setting for cocktail hour. Unfortunately, we couldn't get married outside like we wanted to due to the golf course, but there is a very nice side room with French doors and a fireplace where we can have the ceremony.

And their Executive Chef used to be the Executive Chef at the White House for 11 years!

They charge no site fee (though they mentioned this is changing in May for 2008 weddings) and their per person charge is very reasonable and pretty comparable to everywhere else we've seen and gotten information from. And they're a good $40 cheaper per person with great food and top shelf liquor than Lansdowne down the street.

This is definitely the frontrunner folks!