So I realize this isn't exactly wedding related, but sitting here watching The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman inspired me to write!
Now, I'm honestly not even sure where to begin with my comments because there is just so much to say, but here are some observations:
- This show has been on for what, 10 seasons and still the girls cry and moan about how hard it is to date someone who is dating 14 other women at the same time. Um, duh, that's the premise of the show. Not sure why you came on if you can't deal with that.
- Why do they always have to out the poor virgins? Like that's anybody's business, especially a bunch of hos.
- Why do none of the girls have an ounce of body fat? It's like watching the Miss USA Swimsuit competition for 10 straight weeks, but you're missing the talent part.
- Why does the bachelor usually latch on to the least attractive/ditziest/hooker type and keep her around for weeks when the audience can see right through her?!
- Am I the only one who gets creeped out when you see the girls and the bachelor getting "intimate"? I don't mean behind closed doors, but I mean, like in a hot tub with a girl(s) and they're making out and saying icky things to each other and I just feel like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar, yet I can't stop gawking.
- You see it every season, but there are always those girls who are convinced the bachelor is their one and only and they're convinced by halfway before the first rose ceremony that they're MTB and refuse to accept anything other than marriage. And then they cry profusely when they don't get a rose and wonder how it could be that this guy they had this like, amazing connection with for about 30 minutes could let them go.
- I'm tired of the girls coming up with some catchy phrase to say when the bachelor asks if she will accept his rose. And why do they always have to have some creepy kiss and hug after he gives it to her? They always hold on just a bit too long to make it awkward for everyone involved.
- Why the hell does Chris Harrison come out EVERY SINGLE time right before the final rose to announce that the final rose is about to be given out?! I mean, I realize most of these girls are vapid and have not much going on in between the ears, but come on. I'm sure they can tell there's only one rose left. IT MAKES NO SENSE!
PLEASE enlighten me with your observations as well--I know there are some good ones out there!
Miss USA doesn't have talent competition, that's why they're all hos (ex. Tara Conner). Miss America has the talent competition because it's a scholarship program, not beauty pageant. Now, let's all take a moment of silence to mourn the loss of Miss America's contract with CMT. -MAL
I want to know how anyone could fall for a guy who obvious fake tans...he is positively permatanned..I have seen Hermes bags that are more naturally orange!!
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