Husbands. You gotta love 'em. Lately we've been stuck in this rut of one of us doing the same chores over and over, so we've been making a concerted effort to help the other one out a lot more. So my gracious hubby said he would go run some errands that I would normally do to alleviate some of the constant errand-running pressure off of me. So 5 days ago I ask him to go pick up my prescription from the Target pharmacy. I still had some left, so no biggie right? Well, day after day goes by, in sometimes typical husband fashion of constantly forgetting to do things he'd say he'd do. Fine, no biggie. But yesterday, I'm out all day and text him, reminding him to pick it up. I come home, don't see anything, ask him where the prescription is. He proceeds to tell me that the Target pharmacy is closed on Sundays. Hmmm, odd, I don't recall this being true and sort of doubted him, but then I felt slighly bad and realized I'm not always right (even though I am 99.999999% of the time), so give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't even compulsively go check online to see if he's full of crap, I trust him.
About an hour ago I get an e-mail entitled "I lied." I was wondering what it was in regards to and it says "Target Pharmacy is open Sundays oooppppsss!!!" My response: I KNEW IT, YOU BIG FAT LIAR! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO GO PICK IT UP! YOU OWE ME BIG TIME!
Just when I was becoming less neurotic, he pulls a fast one on me. Alas, I'm not mad, I'm actually quite amused that I know him so well and totally knew he made up that story about Target being closed. Hopefully my arteries won't harden and close up before he picks up the prescription tonight!
Oh and then, he has to go and do something so super nice, that I can't stay slightly annoyed at him, like putting away all the laundry I was supposed to put away that has been in the dryer/on top of the dryer/on the bed in the guest bedroom, saving me hours of having to fight off the dog while she tries to run away with our underwear and socks.
Ah husbands...gotta love 'em! :-)