Monday, March 3, 2008

Bridal Shower!

I'm sorry it's taken so long to update the blog--it has been a busy month for me and we're inching closer to the wedding!

Two weeks ago my awesome bridesmaids threw me a wonderful shower. Lots of people came from near and several from far, which was so wonderful! I had a great time and appreciated all the great gifts I got, but especially enjoyed the company.

A really special thank you to my bridesmaids, who put in so much time, energy and effort into creating a great shower for me. I can't ask for better friends.

And another special thank you to everyone who came from far away (Laura, Blair, Laurie, Karen, Kim & Ayden, Meg) to share my special day with me. I had the best time!

Wedding Day Survival Kit with Champagne--CRUCIAL!

My sister embarassing me highly with inappropriate lingerie
Karen and Kim came from far away to be with meBelinga's Mom, me and my Mom

My gorgeous cake! It was DELICIOUS!
My girls!

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