Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Crab + Bacon = Delicious.

Belinga and I, along with his dad, went to our food tasting on Saturday (while I was trying to contain myself from the excitement of Christine and Rommie's engagement!). We tasted lots of yummy things!

For Rommie and Michael, we have bacon wrapped scallops as hors d'oeuvres, along with a few others that we haven't quite nailed down, but yumminess includes brie, beef, and chicken satay.

For the entree, we're doing a duet plate of steak au poivre (pepper encrusted filet) paired with a crabcake topped with--WAIT FOR IT--bacon! Um, how could it get more delicious you ask? It can't!

Dessert will be wedding cake along with some form of dessert which we haven't decided upon yet, but maybe something on the lighter side since dinner will be rather heavy, as will the cake.

I'm drooling here in my hotel room on the Eastern Shore (hun!) where I'm stuck for work until Thursday. Try not to miss me too bad!

Less than 4 weeks--EEEEEEEEKKKK!


Bordenia! said...

This is an important announcement to all of the middle eastern attendees: Don't forget those cholesterol pills.

Unknown said...